Carrickfergus Academy

KS3 Science
In years 8-10 our pupils have four 30 minute periods of science per week, usually delivered as two double periods. The scheme of work covers biology, chemistry and physics topics in a range of practical and theory lessons. Our pupils are challenged to apply their scientific knowledge and skills in a range of relevant and interesting contexts.
We aim to prepare our pupils for the rigours of GCSE science by carefully tailoring lessons to match the content of GCSE Single and Double Award science where possible.
The junior campus benefits from six fully-equipped laboratories, two laboratory preparation rooms and a dedicated science technician. Science lessons are facilitated by our enthusiastic and experienced science team!
The information below will hopefully give you a flavour of what we study and how we assess our students in Key Stage 3 Science in Carrickfergus Academy.
Mrs G Edwards (Subject Leader)
Miss C Acheson (KS3 Science Coordinator)
Mr R Devlin
Mrs C Donnelly
Mrs M Irwin
Mrs L Jordan
Mr M McLean
Mr A Mee
Mr M Sloan
Mr M Shaw (Technician)
KS3 Science Curriculum
Year 8
Pupils Study the following topics:
Introduction to science
Cells, Classification and Skeletons
Materials and Acids & Alkalis
The Brain
Pupils are assessed as follows:
Tracking tests 1-3 (30-minute tests, based on the current area of study)
Tracking test 4 (Summer exam, based on the whole year’s work)
These formal assessments may be supplement by the teacher’s own end of topic tests
Year 9
Pupils Study the following topics:
The Earth in Space
Body Systems
Gases in balance
Lifecycles and Habitats
Pupils are assessed as follows:
Tracking tests 1-3 (30-minute tests, based on the current area of study)
Tracking test 4 (Summer exam, based on the whole year’s work)
These formal assessments may be supplement by the teacher’s own end of topic tests
Year 10
Pupils Study the following topics:
Genetics, Reproduction and Health
Using Science to Keep People Safe
Chemical Reactions
Pupils are assessed as follows:
Tracking test 1 (30-minute test, based on the current area of study)
Tracking test 2 (skills test used to assess suitability for double award science)
Tracking test 3 (Summer exam, based on the whole year’s work)
These formal assessments may be supplement by the teacher’s own end of topic tests

At Key Stage 4, students can follow one of 3 pathways, delivered by our experienced and enthusiastic staff:
Double Award Science - students obtain 2 GCSE grades covering detailed aspects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, with an important practical element. This qualification allows students post-16 to go on to study A-levels in Biology or Chemistry or Physics, or Life and Health Sciences.
Single Award Science - 1 GCSE giving general understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, with a series of practical investigations included. Some students go on to study Life and Health Sciences at A-level.
OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in Applied Science - 1 GCSE obtained by completion of a portfolio of evidence; this is a vocational subject and is entirely based around the continuous assessment completed during the 2-year course. This course covers Life and Living Processes, Materials and their Chemical Properties, and Physical Processes; a pass in this qualification is equivalent to a grade B at GCSE.
Subject Leader
Mrs G Edwards
KS3 Co-ordinator
Miss C Acheson
Ms C Donnelly
Mrs M Irwin
Mr M McLean
Mr M Sloan
Mrs L Jordan
Mr R Devlin
Mr A Mee
Ms K McDowell
The Senior campus Science department at Carrickfergus Academy is well equipped with 6 fully functioning Science labs and 4 prep rooms. We aim to maximise use of our resources to deliver a broad range of learning strategies as students gains skills to equip them for the workplace and for further studies.
For more detail on the specifications on offer in Carrickfergus Academy, please click on each link below:
Double Award Science Specification: DAScience_Spec_Design_Version (ccea.org.uk)
Single Award Science Specification: GCSE Single Award Science_DESIGN_Version (ccea.org.uk)
OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in Applied Science: OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in Applied Science - 603/...
For information on Science –related careers, please click on the link below:

At Key Stage 5, we offer Life and Health Sciences in Carrickfergus Academy; some students combine this with studying A-level Biology or Chemistry in Carrickfergus Learning Community, and find it fits well with Health and Social Care or Sports Science.
We currently offer Single Award Life and Health Sciences in Carrickfergus Academy.
The Life and Health Sciences qualification includes:
In Year 13:
Experimental Techniques: a series of practical tasks, internally assessed by our teaching staff. The portfolio produced includes skills relevant to Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Human Body Systems – students study the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and how they work, also how the body maintains a constant internal environment, along with the role of nutrition and physical exercise in maintaining good health. This is an examined unit.
Aspects of Physical Chemistry in Industrial Processes – an examined unit in Chemistry, involving calculations and volumetric analysis required for some of the experimental techniques developed, kinetics which explains the rates of reactions, and industrial processes and the factors that need to be considered to make an effective and efficient chemical industry.
Subject Leader
Mrs G Edwards
KS3 Co-ordinator
Miss C Acheson
Ms C Donnelly
Mr M McLean
Ms K McDowell
In Year 14:
Scientific Method, Investigation, Analysis and Evaluation: Students plan and complete their own research on a chosen topic and produce a portfolio of evidence of their plans, experiments and analysis of their findings. Internally assessed.
Organic Chemistry: This unit focuses on structures and reactions of industrially important organic compounds. These include alcohols, polymers and hydrocarbons produced by the oil industry and the pollutants they generate, with associated environmental issues. Techniques are learned to identify organic compounds and prepare aspirin and nylon. Externally assessed.
Genetics, Stem Cell Research and Cloning: This unit develops knowledge about the discovery of DNA and its replication, alongside understanding of the multiple ways in which genes are inherited. It looks at the cutting-edge research that includes genetic engineering, treatment of genetic conditions using gene therapy, cloning, genetic fingerprinting and stem cell technology. Many of these techniques have generated ethical and social concerns that students should be able to discuss. This unit is assessed by examination.

The Senior campus Science department at Carrickfergus Academy is well equipped with 6 fully functioning Science labs and 4 prep rooms. We aim to maximise use of our resources to deliver a broad range of learning strategies.
For more detail on the qualification offered at A-level, please click on the link below:
Life and Health Sciences Specification: GCE LHSciences_DesignedVersion_ammended_Dec-17_FINAL_DOC (ccea.org.uk)
For information on Science- related careers, please follow the link below:
Information and links for parents / carers on careers in STEM | STEM